2008, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2008; 9 (1)
Protein digestibility of chia seed Salvia Hispanica L
Monroy-Torres R, Mancilla-Escobar ML, Gallaga-Solórzano JC, Medina-Godoy S, Santiago-García EJ
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 185.71 Kb.
Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L) have been consumed in Mexico since pre-hispanic time, recently this seed has been characterized as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid, as well of fiber, a show a good amino acid balance, but information regarding its protein quality is poor. Protein digestibility is a valuable parameter to establish protein quality, which could be classified in: high, intermediate, and low. The protein digestibility is influenced by amino acids composition, anti-physiological elements, fiber, pH, temperature, grinding and soaking. The overall aim of the project was to evaluate the in vitro protein digestibility of chia seed. Analytical study with four samples that received different treatments: toasting, grinding (flour), toasting plus grinding, a soaking in water; one was left without treatment. The proximate compositions were studied only to chia seed without treatment. For all samples, the protein digestibility was evaluated by the pepsin method. The sample of chia seed treated with g rinding got a low digestibility score (79.8%). The rest of the samples did not get any digestibility classification. Only the grinding treatment improved the digestibility. The amount of fiber could have influenced the digestibility of the protein. It is necessary to continue studying the digestibility of chia seed in combination with other grains and leguminous, and the recommendations would be to eat the chia in combination to improve its digestibility.
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