2008, Number S3
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salud publica mex 2008; 50 (S3)
The role of the National Office for Tobacco Control in Mexico
Regalado-Pineda J, Rodríguez-Ajenjo CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 355-365
PDF size: 184.94 Kb.
Tobacco smoking as the first cause of preventable dead in the world requires the implementation of proper public policies. The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) sets the basis for this purpose at the national level. But the successful implementation of FCTC depends on a series of actions of every single member of the convention for the development of National Capacity. Building capacity implies the construction of human resources and organizational engineering or “institutional building” in order to enforce and guarantee the Plan of Action for the implementation of FCTC. The creation of the National Office for Tobacco Control of México will allow the enforcement of Mexican government initiatives on implementation of policies for tobacco control, according with FCTC on a sustainable and permanent platform. This essay presents the importance on the office, their main functions and their medium and long term objectives
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