2008, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2008; 50 (5)
Chronic non-communicable diseases in Mexico: epidemiologic synopsis and integral prevention.
Córdova-Villalobos JA, Barriguete-Meléndez JA, Lara-Esqueda A, Barquera S, Rosas-Peralta M, Hernández-Ávila M, León-May ME, Aguilar-Salinas CA
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 419-427
PDF size: 179.52 Kb.
The federal government has implemented several strategies to reduce mortality caused by chronic non-communicable diseases (CNTD). One example is the development of medical units specialized in the care of CNTD (i.e. overweight, obesity, cardiovascular risk and diabetes), named UNEMES (from its Spanish initials). These units –consisting of an ad-hoc, trained, multi-disciplinary team– will provide patient education, help in the resolution of obstacles limiting treatment adherence, and involve the family in patient care. Treatment will be provided using standardized protocols. The efficacy of the intervention will be regularly measured using pre-specified outcomes. We expect that these UNEMES will result in significant savings. In summary, our health care system is developing better treatment strategies for CNTD. Evaluating the performance of the UNEMES will generate valuable information for the design of future preventive actions.
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