2008, Number 2
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Vet Mex 2008; 39 (2)
Use of the male effect to induce reproductive activity in ovine intensive breeding systems
Lucas TJ, Zarco QLA, Vásquez PC
Language: English/Spanish
References: 47
Page: 117-127
PDF size: 358.20 Kb.
The presence of the male effect and its importance in the reproductive management of Columbia ewes was evaluated during a
comparative study between a herd of ewes subjected to an annual breeding system with services in November (AS) and another
herd subjected to an intensive system with breeding periods in November, July and March (IS). The two herds were kept on intensive
irrigated prairies with moderate climate: the ewes in the IS were supplemented during the lactation and rebreeding periods.
Estrus expression was detected by the presence of marks on the rump left by aniline-impregnated teaser males. In addition, the
concentrations of progesterone were determined in blood samples from 20 adult ewes and 5 ewe-lambs from each breeding
system. These samples were taken twice per week from the time the teaser males were introduced. The conception date for each
ewe was retrospectively calculated from the date of lambing. The results indicate a clear male effect in the IS group during the
breeding periods of July and March, when such a male effect proved to be very important for the reproductive success of the
herd. In contrast, the male effect was not apparent during November breeding periods because the animals of both herds were
already cycling when the teaser males were introduced at that time of the year. It is concluded that the use of the male effect can
improve the reproductive effi ciency of Columbia ewes exposed to intensive breeding systems in Mexico.
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