2009, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2009; 52 (1)
Epidemiological profile of deaths by asphyxiation in the newly form
Cabrera GDA, Vallejos PA, Jaimes BL, Matías MDR, Ruiz RA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 8-13
PDF size: 134.24 Kb.
Backgrounds: Child mortality is a health indicator that reflects the access, quality of the attention of the services of health, and other social and demographic and other factors. Every year four million of newborns die about of before reaching the four weeks of life: 98% of these deaths occur in countries developing.
Objective: To describe the deaths by asphyxia of newborn by sex and state, in Mexico during the 2004.
Material and methods: With base to the obtained mortality of the 2004 of the National Institute of Statistic, Geography and Informatic (INEGI), we described the deaths by asphyxia in the newborn by sex and state and their relation with the birth weight. Z test was used to compare proportions.
Results: According to the World Health Organization, the neonatal deaths represent at the moment around 40% of all the deaths of smaller children of five years throughout the world and more than half of the mortality of the infant babies. In our country, the national rate of mortality by asphyxia of new live births in the 2004 was 4.59 per each 10 thousand born alive; being more frequent in the men than the women (OR = 1.39; CI95% 1.24-1.55), the difference between these were statistically significant (p ≤ 0.001). Deaths by asphyxia were the most registered in newborn with low birth weight. In Mexico the rate of child mortality by asphyxia of new live births has descended (2002 = 5.34, 2003 = 5.12 and 2004 = 4.59 per 10 thousand been born alive), and the rates range by state varies from 1,8 to 12 per 10 thousand live births in 2004, without ignoring the possible slants.
Discussion: Although the deaths by asphyxia of newborn proportionally are few with respect to general child mortality (2.3%), the majority of them could be prevented. A great challenge will be to provide fairness to the population assuring that being born in some state of the republic it does not mean an extra risk to the basal one. Nowadays, new profits could be reached because of favorable conditions. For that reason, we suggested to improve the education strategies in sexual health and to reinforce the policies of prevention of nonwished pregnancies and the high risk in all the women.
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