2009, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2009; 52 (1)
Acute appendicitis in childhood
Torres BA, Neri MMC, San Germán TLMC
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 5-7
PDF size: 92.93 Kb.
Introduction: Acute appendicitis is one of the main causes of acute abdomen in the pediatric age; it is important to diagnose it early to avoid post surgical complications.
Objectives: To determine the more frequent symptoms associate in the pediatric age.
Results: From 53 patients, 30 of the male sex and 23 female sex, the signs and symptoms more frequent are: sign of Mc Burney 94.3%, pain in fossa iliac right 81.1%, nausea 81.1%, vomit 76.6%, and fever 71.7%. Diarrhea and disuria can also be present in smaller frequency in spite of being atypical signs. The postsurgical complications found were: paralytic ileo 26.4%, abscesses 15% and intestinal perforation 11.3%.
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