2007, Number 3
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Inv Salud 2007; 9 (3)
School violence: peer bullying at two educational levels
Valadez FI, González GN
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 184-189
PDF size: 156.68 Kb.
An exploratory study about the phenomenon of intimidation between peers was carried out in six official schools (secondary and high school) in Guadalajara. The subjects of the investigation were students. The information was obtained by means of group interviews with thematic axes like the existence of bullying and specific conducts, places where it happens, frequency, how students are affected, opinions on why it happens, attitudes towards the situation, identification of the guilty parties, and possible courses of action. Bullying is a multi-shaped reality, its behavior is cyclical, and the victim enjoys periods of apparent tranquility. The behaviors pointed out by students are similar at both levels, and tend to become more subtle and elaborated.
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