2007, Number 4
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2007; 8 (4)
Dimensiones conceptuales del bienestar de personas con padecimientos crónicos
Torres LTM, Aranda BC, Pando MM, . Salazar EJG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 124.58 Kb.
To explore conceptual dimensions of the well-being of people with chronic illness of the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, in order to generate proposals of educational intervention in health about chronic
illnesses. An exploratory cross-sectional study was realized. 40 subjects of two groups of people with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension that participate in groups of support of health centers of the city
of guadalajara, mexico were selected by propositive sampling. it was applied semi structured interviews through free lists and pile sorts. it was investigated associated terms of well-being and groups of
conceptual dimensions. it was applied consensus analysis with factorial principal components method and dimensional analysis with hierarchical clusters and multidimensional scales. Consensus model showed
high homogeneity of well-being conceptions (ratio value of 8.22). Common dimensions of the conceptions were: to be responsible, the happiness (sub dimensions of tranquility, to have faith and to have health), the
discipline (sub dimensions: develop and maintenance and to prolong the life) and lives comfortable (verisimilitude value: stress <0.28). The dimensions of participant people showed a holistic vision of the
concept of well-being. The dimensions of responsibility and it disciplines they make reference voluntary and personal decisions, where the family and the community are not included. The second dimension is
about mental and social aspects, here was included to the happiness and lives comfortable. It implies the practice of actions and cares of the mental health, the spiritual and social life. Beside, it found the
association of the concept of well-being with mental health.
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