2007, Number 2
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2007; 8 (2)
Baciloscopia en sintomáticos respiratorios en un Centro materno infantil en Lima, Perú
Pajuelo-Camacho GR, Luján-Roca DA , Ibarra-Trujillo JO
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 65.83 Kb.
To determine the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis - positive smear (PTB-PS) among respiratory symptomatic (RS) patients in the Infantile Maternal Center "Canto
Grande" – Lima, Peru. It was analized samples of sputum of 1263 patients RS by means of bacilloscopy with the technique of Ziehl-Neelsen, from January to June, 2001. It was
diagnosed 128 (10.1%) cases of PTB-PS, 67 (54.0%) were men and 57 (46.0%) women; the age group more affected were from 15 to 44 years with 109 (87.9%) cases.
Of the 128 cases of PTB-PS, 48 (37.5%) presented bacillary load (+), 39 (30.5%) with bacillary load (++) and 41 (32.0%) with bacillary load (+++); 88 (68.8%) cases were
positive at the first bacilloscopic evaluation and 30 (23.4%) in the second evaluation. It concludes that the diagnosis of PTB-PS is independent of the gender of patients and the
economically active population is the most affected one. The obtaining of the first sputum sample in the moment in that is identified the RS is fundamental for the
diagnosis. These results allow us to affirm the reliability of the bacilloscopy technique used in this study contributing in this way to the epidemiology of the tuberculosis in
World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Control: Surveillance, Planning,Financing: WHO report 2005.
Raviglione M, D. Snider and A. Kochi 1995. Global Epidemiology of Tuberculosis: Morbidity and Mortality of a Worldwide Epidemic. JAMA. 273: 220-226.
Pablos-Méndez A, MC Raviglione, A. Laszlo, N. Binkin, HL Rieder, F. Bustreo, DL Cohn, CSB Lambregts-van Weezenbeek, SJ Kim, P. Chaulet and P. Nunn 1998. Global surveillance for antituberculosis-drug resistance, 1994-1997. N Eng J Med. 338: 1641-1649.
Fitzgerald J and S. Houston 1999. Tuberculosis: 8. The disease in association with HIV infection. CMAJ. 161: 47-51.
Leung, AN 1999. Pulmonary tuberculosis: the essentials. Radiology. 210: 307-322.
Caminero J, M Casal, V Auxina, J. Pina and J. Sauret 1996. Diagnóstico de la Tuberculosis. Arch Bronconeumol. 32: 85-99.
Ministerio de Salud del Perú: Tuberculosis en el Perú. Informe 2000. Seminario taller nacional: “Evaluación del Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis. Año 2000”. Informe anual.
Ministerio de Salud. El laboratorio de Salud Pública frente a la emergencia de la Tuberculosis Resistente. 2001. Documento técnico N° 3 Enfermedades Emergentes y Reemergentes. Lima, Perú.
Organización Mundial de la Salud 1997. TB/VIH. Manual Clínico Para América Latina. WHO/TB/96.200(S).
Sepkowitz KA. 2001. Tuberculosis control in the 21st century. Emerg Infect Dis. 7: 259-262.
Vaca MMA, ChC Tlacuáhuac y CR. Olvera 1999. Tuberculosis pulmonar entre sintomáticos respiratorios detectados en las unidades de salud de la SSA, en el estado de Tlaxcala, México. Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex. 12: 29-34.
Chuquiyauri H, E Gotuzzo, K Verdonck, F Samalvides, S Vilcarromero. 2003.Características asociadas con la mortalidad de pacientes tuberculosos hospitalizados en el departamento de enfermedades infecciosas y tropicales del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (DEIT-HNCH) en el oncenio 1990-2000. VIII Congreso Peruano de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales, Libro de Resúmenes, 11, 2003.
Raviglione M, et al, Op. cit.
Chávez T. 1998. Demora en el diagnóstico y su correlato clínico, radiológico y bacteriológico en TBC Pulmonar. An Fac Med UNMSM. 59:167-177.
Ministerio de Salud. Op. cit.
Muñoz D, G Ríos, C Villalva, S Muñoz. 2004.Factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar en Lima Este, Perú. Rev Peru Med ExpSalud Publica. 20: 18-22.
Vaca MMA, et al, Op. cit.
Flores A, JM Llaca y EG Ramos. 2000. Utilidad del cultivo en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis pulmonar en un servicio de urgencias. Rev Salud Pub Nutr 2000. Vol 1 No.3
http://www.uanl.mx/publicaciones/respyn/i/3/articulos/tuberculosis.html .
Nogueira PA, RM Cabral y MI Carboni. 2004. Baciloscopia de escarro em pacientes internados nos hospitais de tuberculose do estado de São Paulo. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 7: 54-64.
Nogueira PA, MI Carboni, RM Cabral y MM Mattos. 2001. Avaliação dasinformações de tuberculose (1989-1999) de um Centro de Saúde Escola da cidade de São Paulo. Rev Bras Epidemiol 4: 131-139.
Rabahi MF, A Batista, F Queiroz, J Caetano and AL Kritski. 2002. Noncompliance with tuberculosis treatment by patients at a tuberculosis and AIDS reference Hospital in Midwestern Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 6: 63-73.
Marrero A, JA Caminero, R Rodríguez and NE Billo. 2000. Towards elimination of tuberculosis in a low income country: the experience of Cuba, 1962-97. Thorax. 55: 39-45.
Naucler A, N Winqvist, F Dias, T, L KoivulaLacerda, SB Svenson, G Biberfeld, R Norberg and G. Kallenius1996. Pulmonary tuberculosis in Guinea-Bissau: clinical and bacteriological findings, human immunodeficiency virus status and short term survival of hospitalized patients. Tuberc Lung Dis. 77: 226-232.
Medical Research Council Cardiothoracic Epidemiology Group. 1992. National survey of notifications of tuberculosis in England and Wales in 1988. Thorax. 47: 770-775.
Kumar D, JM Watson, A Charlett, S Nicholas and JH. Darbyshire 1997.Tuberculosis in England and Wales in 1993: results of a national survey. Thorax. 52:1060-1067.
Rose AMC, JM Watson, C Graham, AJ Nunn, F. Drobniewski, LP Ormerod, JH Darbyshire and J. Leese 2000. Tuberculosis at the end of the 20th century in England and Wales: results of a national survey in 1998. Thorax. 56: 173-179.
Miret P, JM Pina, JL López y MR Sala. 2003. El control de la tubeculosis en la Región Sanitaria Centro de Cataluña durante el periodo 1986-2000. ArchBronconeumol. 39: 455-463.
Ministerio de Salud. Op, cit.
World Health Organization. Global Tuberculosis Control: Surveillance, Planning,Financing: WHO report 2005.
Raviglione M, D. Snider and A. Kochi 1995. Global Epidemiology of Tuberculosis: Morbidity and Mortality of a Worldwide Epidemic. JAMA. 273: 220-226.
Pablos-Méndez A, MC Raviglione, A. Laszlo, N. Binkin, HL Rieder, F. Bustreo, DL Cohn, CSB Lambregts-van Weezenbeek, SJ Kim, P. Chaulet and P. Nunn 1998. Global surveillance for antituberculosis-drug resistance, 1994-1997. N Eng J Med. 338: 1641-1649.
Fitzgerald J and S. Houston 1999. Tuberculosis: 8. The disease in association with HIV infection. CMAJ. 161: 47-51.
Leung, AN 1999. Pulmonary tuberculosis: the essentials. Radiology. 210: 307-322.
Caminero J, M Casal, V Auxina, J. Pina and J. Sauret 1996. Diagnóstico de la Tuberculosis. Arch Bronconeumol. 32: 85-99.
Ministerio de Salud del Perú: Tuberculosis en el Perú. Informe 2000. Seminario taller nacional: “Evaluación del Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis. Año 2000”. Informe anual.
Ministerio de Salud. El laboratorio de Salud Pública frente a la emergencia de la Tuberculosis Resistente. 2001. Documento técnico N° 3 Enfermedades Emergentes y Reemergentes. Lima, Perú.
Organización Mundial de la Salud 1997. TB/VIH. Manual Clínico Para América Latina. WHO/TB/96.200(S).
Sepkowitz KA. 2001. Tuberculosis control in the 21st century. Emerg Infect Dis. 7: 259-262.
Vaca MMA, ChC Tlacuáhuac y CR. Olvera 1999. Tuberculosis pulmonar entre sintomáticos respiratorios detectados en las unidades de salud de la SSA, en el estado de Tlaxcala, México. Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex. 12: 29-34.
Chuquiyauri H, E Gotuzzo, K Verdonck, F Samalvides, S Vilcarromero. 2003.Características asociadas con la mortalidad de pacientes tuberculosos hospitalizados en el departamento de enfermedades infecciosas y tropicales del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia (DEIT-HNCH) en el oncenio 1990-2000. VIII Congreso Peruano de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Tropicales, Libro de Resúmenes, 11, 2003.
Raviglione M, et al, Op. cit.
Chávez T. 1998. Demora en el diagnóstico y su correlato clínico, radiológico y bacteriológico en TBC Pulmonar. An Fac Med UNMSM. 59:167-177.
Ministerio de Salud. Op. cit.
Muñoz D, G Ríos, C Villalva, S Muñoz. 2004.Factores asociados al diagnóstico tardío de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar en Lima Este, Perú. Rev Peru Med ExpSalud Publica. 20: 18-22.
Vaca MMA, et al, Op. cit.
Flores A, JM Llaca y EG Ramos. 2000. Utilidad del cultivo en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis pulmonar en un servicio de urgencias. Rev Salud Pub Nutr 2000. Vol 1 No.3 http://www.uanl.mx/publicaciones/respyn/i/3/articulos/tuberculosis.html.
Nogueira PA, RM Cabral y MI Carboni. 2004. Baciloscopia de escarro em pacientes internados nos hospitais de tuberculose do estado de São Paulo. Rev Bras Epidemiol. 7: 54-64.
Nogueira PA, MI Carboni, RM Cabral y MM Mattos. 2001. Avaliação dasinformações de tuberculose (1989-1999) de um Centro de Saúde Escola da cidade de São Paulo. Rev Bras Epidemiol 4: 131-139.
Rabahi MF, A Batista, F Queiroz, J Caetano and AL Kritski. 2002. Noncompliance with tuberculosis treatment by patients at a tuberculosis and AIDS reference Hospital in Midwestern Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis. 6: 63-73.
Marrero A, JA Caminero, R Rodríguez and NE Billo. 2000. Towards elimination of tuberculosis in a low income country: the experience of Cuba, 1962-97. Thorax. 55: 39-45.
Naucler A, N Winqvist, F Dias, T, L KoivulaLacerda, SB Svenson, G Biberfeld, R Norberg and G. Kallenius1996. Pulmonary tuberculosis in Guinea-Bissau: clinical and bacteriological findings, human immunodeficiency virus status and short term survival of hospitalized patients. Tuberc Lung Dis. 77: 226-232.
Medical Research Council Cardiothoracic Epidemiology Group. 1992. National survey of notifications of tuberculosis in England and Wales in 1988. Thorax. 47: 770-775.
Kumar D, JM Watson, A Charlett, S Nicholas and JH. Darbyshire 1997.Tuberculosis in England and Wales in 1993: results of a national survey. Thorax. 52:1060-1067.
Rose AMC, JM Watson, C Graham, AJ Nunn, F. Drobniewski, LP Ormerod, JH Darbyshire and J. Leese 2000. Tuberculosis at the end of the 20th century in England and Wales: results of a national survey in 1998. Thorax. 56: 173-179.
Miret P, JM Pina, JL López y MR Sala. 2003. El control de la tubeculosis en la Región Sanitaria Centro de Cataluña durante el periodo 1986-2000. ArchBronconeumol. 39: 455-463.
Ministerio de Salud. Op, cit.