2003, Number 4
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2003; 77 (4)
Diagnóstico de pseudoxantoma elástico en pacientes portadores de estrías angioides sin manifestaciones sistémicas evidentes
Quiroz-Reyes MÁ, Rodríguez-Loaíza JL, Schneider-Ehrenberg O, Graue-Wiechers F
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 129-133
PDF size: 585.82 Kb.
Objective: To diagnose pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) in patients with no evidence of systemic manifestations, who are detected as having angioid streaks.
Patients and methods: Six patients with diagnosis of angioid streaks with no evidence of systemic manifestations due to pseudoxanthoma elasticum were studied. A skin biopsy and specific tintion for elastic fibers were done in all patients.
Results: Fragmentation of the elastic fibers was found in all 6 (100%) patients, confirming the diagnosis of Grönblad-Strandberg syndrome.
Conclusions: It is convenient to take skin biopsy in patients with angioid streaks in order to realize an opportune diagnosis of pseudoxanthoma elasticum. This permits an adequate multidisciplinary medical care and avoids systemic complications.
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