2008, Number 1
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Rev Ozonoterapia 2008; 1 (1)
Post mortem features of prevention and treatment of postburn scars by ozonotherapy method
Shevelev II, Koshelev PI, Yushin IV
Language: English
References: 15
Page: 10-14
PDF size: 316.10 Kb.
Text Extraction
The problem of prevention and treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars is of current importance.
Intensity of scars may depend on numerous factors: depth of skin lesion, character of wound healing, method of treatment and prescription of injury, localization and disorder of regeneration.
The majority of researchers consider that mechanism of forming of pathologic scars is connected with disorder of correlation between synthesis and destruction of collagen. Others believe that disoder in relations between fibroblast and macrophage has the leading role in this process. According to the literature data the reason of their onset is chronic inflammation, hypoxia, immunologic shifts. Treatment of this pathology is accompanied by solving of number of problems which is proved by applied of numerous methods, techniques and means. The latest researches prove the possibilities of correction of trophic disorders in the zone of pathologic changes, normalization of ratio of metabolic processes and also antiinflammation and immunomodulatory effect of ozonotherapy. These researches let us suppose about the influence of ozone upon forming of healing tissue of skin.
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