2008, Number 1
Results of experience in lumbar chronic pathologies with concentrations of O3 1 µg/mL- total doses 80 µg-100 µg. March 2003-April 2007
Esperanza S
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 7-9
PDF size: 118.48 Kb.
The degenerative pathology of the lumbar spine represents a sanitary problem in Western countries. The acute lumbar pain is usually recurrent and in some patients who have a case history, this disease evolves to chronic pathologies. La WHO (World Health Organization) has recognized chronic pain as a disease per se. Up to the present, such clinical entity, presenting a high incidence all over the world, and with high costs for the medical systems and a large economic and social impact (labor absenteeism, early retirement, disability, among others), has not found the solution for its set of problems through the conventional treatments. During the last fifty years, several treatments have been studied in order to solve this world calamity. The result has been not only the development of scientific research but also the universal recognition of Pain Treatment as an Elementary Human Right. This should establish an imperative achievement of our days. The scientific community is placed in front of a big challenge when trying to continue with the development of ozone therapy in the treatment of pain.REFERENCES