2007, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2007; 28 (4)
Quality of indications for red blood cell transfusion in pediatrics
Bouza-Jiménez Y, Pérez GS, Reyes CA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 136-144
PDF size: 155.28 Kb.
Objective. To evaluate the criteria for red blood cell transfusions in a Cuban secondary health care hospital. Context. Paquito González Cueto Pediatric Universitary Hospital, in Cienfuegos, Cuba.
Methods. A descriptive study was carried out during the first semester of 2005; the indications for total red blood cell transfusions were evaluated for 150 patients. Age group, diagnosis to indicate transfusion, period of medical attendance when transfusion was indicated, services, and transfusion criteria were described and correlated with the reason for indication.
Results. Red blood transfusions were more frequent in the 10 to 18 years old group. Most transfusions were indicated for anemia, leukemia, pneumomia, upper gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage, and burns; similar to other reports. In 36.7% of patients transfusions were indicated based on clinic and analytic criteria; 32% based only on analytic criteria, and 62.7% during morning medical rounds. In 61.3% indications were correct, the same as in many reports. Incorrect indications were the result of lack of criteria (65.5%); transfusions based exclusively on analytic criteria (22.4%); 46.5% of correct indications were made during day medical round, whereas 48.3% of incorrect indications were made during on-call duty. In 85.3% of the indication for transfusion were from three hospital services: Intensive Care Unit, Hematology and Burn Surgery Services.
Conclusions. There is not a standard policy for red blood cell transfusion in our hospital. Therefore the need for guidelines for red blood cell transfusion therapy are required.
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