2007, Number 4
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2007; 28 (4)
Fetal abuse: clinical consequences n newborns of mothers who suffered violence during pregnancy
León-López A, Loredo-Abdalá A, Trejo-Hernández J, López-Navarrete GE, García-Piña CA
Language: Spanish
References: 50
Page: 131-135
PDF size: 121.02 Kb.
Background: A minor may be subjected to one or several types of aggression. These may be either child abuse or fetal negligence. This problem includes ethical, social, and legal aspects as it occurs during intrauterine development of the future child. Violence against pregnant women results in dangerous situations which increase morbidity and mortality for both mother and child; it also precludes the latter’s right to a healthy birth.
Material and Methods. This study included 191 mother-child subjects seen al the Hospital General de Iztapalapa from August to November, 2006. Percentile weights and heights were based on Lubchenco’s tables. Gestacional age was identified by means of a cuestionnaire prepared by the National Survey of Violence Against Women in 2003.
Results. Physical violence against pregnant women is reported to occur in 0.9 to 33.5% according to the literature. Because our study was done during an emotional time of the women, it may not allowed her to identify the ill effects of violence. This suggests that other variables should be taken into consideration when interviewing the subjects.
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