2007, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2007; 9 (3)
Conocimientos sobre diabetes mellitus en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 tanto urbanos como rurales del occidente de México
Bustos Saldaña R, Barajas Martínez A, López Hernández G, Sánchez Novoa E, Palomera Palacios R, Islas García J
Language: Spanish
References: 51
Page: 147-155
PDF size: 199.54 Kb.
Objective: To identify knowledge on diabetes mellitus with a DKQ 24 instrument in patients with type 2 diabetes patients in southern Jalisco State, Mexico.
Material and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in 988 patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in urban and rural health centers in western Mexico. Procedure: We applied a 24-question DKQ24 instrument to patients who presented for primary care-level out-patient medical consultations. Subsequently, the patients responded to a 24-question, DKQ24 instrument-based interview. In terms of statistical analysis, we conducted Student t and χ2 tests, and employed EPI INFO 2004 software.
Results: Patients’ ages were 59.98 ± 12.41 years, 704 (71.3%) patients were females, patients had 9.21 ± 8.3 years in from their diagnoses of diabetes, 9.5 ± 3.71 medical consultations annually, 777 (78.6%) patients had incomplete primary school-level schooling or were illiterate, 938 (94.94%) patients used oral medications to control diabetes mellitus, and patients presented 13.22 ± 3.33 adequate responses, (13.09 ± 3.41 males and 13.26 ± 13.3, females). Rural patients had 12.66 ± 3.24 adequate responses, and urban patients 13.65 ± 3.28 (p = 0.00001).
Conclusions: Patients with diabetes had little knowledge regarding their disease, with a greater notion concerning chronic complications. Urban patients with diabetes presented greater knowledge in general than rural patients with diabetes.
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