2008, Number 1
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Rev Mex Oftalmol 2008; 82 (1)
Metástasis coroidea y orbitaria de carcinoma primario cervicouterino
Sánchez-Fonseca RC, Camas BJT, Prado SA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 56-60
PDF size: 191.43 Kb.
The most common malignant tumors of the globe and orbit are metastasis. Breast cancer is the primary metastatic leading cause of tumoral spread to the eye due to the current high incidence and long survival of the affected individuals but it could be originated from other places. The management based on radiotherapy is focused on both the patient’s systemic disease and the ocular condition, but unfortunately, metastatic cancer to the eye is a poor prognostic sign for long-term survival.
We report a case of choroidal and orbital metastasis from a primary cervico uterine malignancy previously treated in whom pulmonary and renal spread were also detected. She complained of blurred vision, pain and redness of the left eye.
Her right eye was unremarkable. Systemically she had hemoptisis and pain in the right hemitorax. In the ocular examination her best corrected left eye visual acuity was light perception. Ocular fundus showed a serous retinal detachment. Standardized echography demonstrated a choroidal tumoral mass with extension to the orbit. CT scan showed pulmonary and renal masses and orbital spread. The histopathologic study indicated carcinoma.
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