2002, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2002; 44 (6)
The vulnerability and invisibility of women facing HIV/AIDS: constant and changing issues
Herrera C, Campero L
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 554-564
PDF size: 116.21 Kb.
This paper presents some thoughts on the problems endured by women facing HIV/AIDS. World and nationwide statistics show an upward trend of the epidemic among women, calling for the need to address this problem. A case is made for the way in which gender structure and relations facilitate the vulnerability of women to this disease, increasing their risk of infection related with specific factors like migration, employment unsafe conditions, and domestic violence, among others. Emphasis is made on the main obstacles faced by women to flag their concerns and needs in society, as well as on their lack of empowerment to cope effectively with their problems. Some initiatives advanced by the organized civil society and governmental strategies are presented, including accomplishments, deficiencies, needs, and challenges. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given, highlighting the need to establish and evaluate preventative programs and policies from a gender and huma rights perspective, to promote a greater awareness and improved responses to the problems imposed on women by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
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