2008, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2008; 50 (2)
Generalized cost-effectiveness of preventive interventions against cervical cancer in Mexican women: Results of a Markov model from the public sector perspective
Gutiérrez-Delgado C, Báez-Mendoza C, González-Pier E, Prieto de la RA, Witlen R
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 107-118
PDF size: 215.48 Kb.
Objective. To develop a generalized cost-effectiveness analysis (GCEA) of the HPV vaccine, hybrid capture screening (HC) and Papanicolaou screening (Pap) in the Mexican context.
Materials and Methods. From April to August 2007, in Mexico, a GCEA of the interventions was developed for 10 possible scenarios using a Markov model from the public sector perspective as payer.
Results. Scenarios considering 80% coverage show an ACER per DALY averted of $16 678 pesos for Pap of women between ages 25 and 64, $17 277 pesos for HC of women between ages 30 and 64, and $84 008 pesos for vaccination of 12-year-old girls. Annual financing of $621, $741 and $2 255 million pesos, respectively, is needed for these scenarios.
Conclusions. A selective, combined introduction of Pap-HC screening that considers the comparative advantages of application in different populations and geographical areas is suggested. Additionally, it is suggested to introduce the vaccine once a threshold price of $181 pesos per dose –when the vaccine becomes equal in terms of costeffectiveness to HC– has been achieved.
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