2005, Number 2
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Acta Ortop Mex 2005; 19 (2)
Consolidation of bone loss of tibia by means of bone transportation with external fixators
Orona-Ontiveros JJ, Vázquez-Talavera M
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 42-48
PDF size: 90.49 Kb.
The bone transportation means the transportation of a bone fragment through a bone defect to create new bone in that defect. The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency of bone transportation from the tibia, with greater bone loss, using the Debastiani technique at the Hospital de Ortopedia “Victorio de la Fuente Narváez”. A descriptive and retrospective cohort study from seven patients with bone loss was made, all of which were treated with bone transportation. Six men and one woman, with a mean age of 28 years. Four of the bone loss where consequence from exposed fractures and three from closed fractures. The mean bone loss was 8.6 cm. The rest phase was 13 days in average. The distraction velocity was 0.86 mm/day. The bone-healing and consolidation time were 14.5 months in average, with a bone-healing index average of 1.9 cm/month (0.8-3.2 cm/month). The bone results were excellent in 5 cases, and good in two cases; based on the consolidation and absence of infection for all cases, residual deformity in one case and extremity discrepancy in another case. The functional results were excellent in four cases, good in two cases and regular in one case, based on the fact that all the patients returned to their daily living activities, three developed significant limp, and one developed fixed ankle equinus remained and important pain. The bone transportation is an excellent alternative for the management of the major bone loss of tibia.
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