2008, Number 1
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Rev Mex Coloproctol 2008; 14 (1)
Infectious complications in the colorectal surgery
Llanes DG, González SME
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 115.02 Kb.
The surgical extirpation is the treatment of election of the colorectal cancer. With the advance of the techniques and the development of the anesthesia, the surgeons could carry out more sophisticated, planned or more elective surgeries, but this didn’t allow to avoid the surgical infections, since the same ones continued being presented. They were carried out 98 serial clinical evaluations of patient payees of colorectal cancer, valued for surgical treatment, in the Surgical Clinical Hospital ¨Hermanos Ameijeiras¨ City of the Habana, in a period of one year, 48 completed the inclusion approach and in 12 of them they were infectious complications. The group of age of bigger presentation of the illness was the one from the 61 to the 80 years, the most frequent localization in the primary tumor was in the rectum in 16 patients (33.3%). The endogenous factors of risk associated to infectious complications were: ages bigger than 60 years, antecedents of obesity, diabetes, and hypoalbuminemia. The infection of the wound was presented in 12 operated (25%), the complication but it frequents it was the peritonitis for dehiscencia of the intestinal suture. The complications infectious post-surgicals play an important paper in the presage of the patients and in occasions their list becomes decisive, the objective of our work was to know the incidence of the infectious complications, to specify the factors of risk that favor its appearance and to know the most frequent microorganisms found in the cultivations.
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