2004, Number 4
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Rev Mex Anest 2004; 27 (4)
Coagulopathy of the surgical patient. The new cellular model of the coagulation and its application in anesthesiology
Carrillo-Esper R, Villaseñor-Ovies P
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 219-230
PDF size: 145.78 Kb.
Coagulation involves the generation of thrombin at sites of vascular injury as a result of a series of reactions on the cellular surface. The traditional model of coagulation views the humoral and cellular phases as two distinct processes, and describes hemostasis as the sequential activation of effector enzymes along two independent pathways. A new model, which allows a better understanding of how the system works in vivo, was developed recently. A key issue in this new theory, called the cellular-based model of hemostasis, is the interaction between soluble factors and the cellular surface; cells are considered essential elements, with an active role in controlling coagulation. This new model proposes that coagulation takes place on different cell surfaces in three overlapping steps: initiation, amplification, and propagation, and highlights the importance of the complex Factor VII/Tissue Factor during the early phase of the process. The new model sets the basis for the therapeutic use of high-dose recombinant factor VIIa in patients with uncontrolled bleeding due to abnormalities in the hemostatic system in various clinical situations, including coagulopathy in surgical patients. This review examines the new cell-based model of coagulation and its influence on the management of uncontrolled bleeding in surgical patients.
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