1997, Number 2
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Vet Mex 1997; 28 (2)
Effect of supplement level on average daily gains of Pelibuey ram lambs in the feedlot
González del AGE, Castillo GE, Cruz LC, Besten JM
Language: English/Spanish
References: 33
Page: 137-145
PDF size: 778.33 Kb.
The objectives of the present experiment were: a) To evaluate the effect of different levels of supplementation
with concentrate plus cut and carried Taiwan grass (
Pen nisetum purpureum) upon feedlot performance of growing Pelibuey ram lambs, b) To estimate relationships among intake of dry matter and crude protein and average daily gain and c) To calculate some indicators of profitability of the different feeding treatments tested. Eighty four Pelibuey ram lambs with average age and weight of three months and 12.5 ± 3.1 kg, respectively, were fed for a period of 98 days. Animals were randomly assigned to four experimental groups of 21 animals each, and were kept under feedlot conditions where they received a basal feed of freshly chopped Taiwan grass and a concentrate (average crude protein content of 17.8%), given at rates of 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% of the animal liveweight. Average daily gains (ADG) per treatment in the above order were 0.006, 0.048, 0.094 and 0.144 kg/ lamb. Dry matter intake from the supplement (SDMI) was 0,0.143, 0.324 and 0.525 kg/lamb, and that of Taiwan grass (FDMI) was 0.412, 0.376, 0.334, 0.321 kg/lamb. Accordingly, feed conversion efficiencies were 68.7, 8.9, 7.0 and 5.9 kg of dry matter per kg of ADG. In the same token, months to reach market weight (30 kg) were 97.5, 9.9, 5.9 and 4, respectively. Linear regression between total dry matter intake (TDMI, dependent) and ADG
(independent) showed that TDMI at maintenance was 0.368 kg/lamb/day (intercept), and that each 0.1 kg of increase regarding ADG, required an increment of 0.319 kg DM/lamb/day in TDMI (regression coefficient). Crude protein intake (CPI) at maintenance was 0.024 kg/lamb/day (intercept), and each 0.1 kg of increase in ADG required an increment of CPI of 0.053 kg/lamb/day (regression coefficient). Direct rates of return ({gross income minus feeding cost/feeding cost}x100) were 77%, 66%, 104% and 139% for 0%, 1%, 2% and 3% supplementation levels. It is concluded that the maximum potential for dry matter intake and average daily gain was not reached, mainly due to reduced age and weight of the lambs and limited value that the diets had for this type of animals. Therefore, there is the need to study the response of young lambs to forages of higher nutritive value in combination with feeds of higher energy and protein contents. All supplementation levels were profitable, and will remain so, if the income and cost do not change in the medium term future.
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