1997, Number 2
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Vet Mex 1997; 28 (2)
Study of clinical-biochemical parameters before and after oral rehydration in calves with diarrhea
Bouda J, Paasch ML, Candanosa AE, López RC, Quiroz RGF
Language: English/Spanish
References: 32
Page: 87-91
PDF size: 434.98 Kb.
Diarrhea with dehydration in calves occurs very frequently during the first weeks after birth, and is the most important cause of mortality. In this study, the efficiency of oral rehydration in diarrheic calves with mild dehydration on the base of clinical examination and laboratory tests was evaluated. A preparate containing 42 g of NaCl,40 g of NaHCO
3, 18 g of KCl and 200 g of glucose dissolved in 10 liters of water at 38°C, was used for rehydratation in 29 diarrheic calves of the Holstein-Friesian breed, aged 2-19 days old. Each calf drank 61 of this solution which was divided in 3 dosis, and the treatment lasted 2-3 days. Before and after rehydratation,
calves were clinically examined and biochemical and hematological analysis were performed. Bacteriological,
virological and parasitological examination were done in feces. Mild dehydration was confirmed in 26 calves; in 3 calves it was moderate. Rotavirus and
Cryptosporidium were detected in feces. The following values in blood: pH, 7.284; base excess (BE), -5.86 mmol/l; pCO2, 39.3 mmHg; PCV, 38.9%; in blood plasma: urea, 55.5 mg/dl; glucose, 65.2 mg/dl; total proteins (TP), 6.21 g/dl; Na, 132.6 mmol/l; K, 5.23 mmol/l; Cl, 102.7 mmol/l and Ca, 2.82 mmol/l were obtained before the oral rehydration. The most important findings in. diarrheic calves with mild dehydration were: Metabolic acidosis partially compensated, mild prerenal uremia, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia and hemoconcentration. After the rehydration, the values in blood were normalized: pH, 7.366; BE, 0.30 mmol/l; pCO2, 43.2 mmHg; PCV, 32%; in blood plasma: urea, 27.2 mg/dl; glucose, 81.6 mg/dl; TP, 5.90 g/dl; Na, 138.1 mmol/l; K, 4.47 mmol/l; Cl, 99.5 mmol/l; Ca, 2.58 mmol/l, and remained in the range of reference values. Rehydration was successful in 27 out of 29 calves.
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