1998, Number 1
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Vet Mex 1998; 29 (1)
Use of naloxone and dimethyl sulfoxide to decrease tissue damage due to experimental intestinal obstruction in dogs
Lorenzana CLC, Ocampo CL, Paez ED, Auró de OA, Sumano LH
Language: English/Spanish
References: 29
Page: 1-6
PDF size: 532.60 Kb.
Free oxygen radicals associated with the reperfusion syndrome (RS) in the small intestine are responsible of severe tissue damage observed after complete intestinal obstruction. The mechanisms of action of naloxone (Nx) and dimethyl-sulfoxide (domose) may prove to be useful in diminishing this damage. Hence, an experimental model of complete intestinal obstruction and RS was developed in 10 dogs. Five dogs received treatment with Nx and domose and five served as the untreated control group. Variables assessed included respiratory and cardiac rate as well as clinical recovery and histopathology of the obstructed area of the small intestine. Analysis of all variables suggest that the treatment of the experimental model has a tangible potential in diminishing the tissue damage associated to intestinal RS.
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