1999, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1999; 30 (4)
Stress diagnosis in fish
Auro de OA, Ocampo CL
Language: English/Spanish
References: 81
Page: 337-341
PDF size: 63.59 Kb.
This study describes the types of environmental stress observed in fish. Some of these types include social stress due to high density of population in intensive aquaculture, physical stress caused by changes in temperature, oxygen and pH, chemical stress due to exogenous and endogenous contaminants, physical stress due to trauma, and nutritional stress caused by deficiencies or excess of some nutrients in the diet. It also describes the latest methods to diagnose them. Among these methods one can include molecular and biochemical indicators which measure DNA adductors, measurement of steroid hormone receptors, measurement of metallothionein and lipid peroxidation. A review of the hormonal biochemistry that registers and measures the secondary endocrine responses to stress like catecolamines, plasmatic cortisol, propiomelanocortine and plasmatic glucose is also decribed. Other methods to measure the heat-induced stress is by means of the heat-shock proteins and reproductive parameters. There is also a computerized non-invasive method to measure stress in fish. Finally, the histopathological methodology based on the observation of rodlet cells, and the modifications on size and form of some cells is another measuring method.
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