1999, Number 4
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Vet Mex 1999; 30 (4)
Kinetics of egg-excretion and antibody titres of Fasciola hepatica in cattle treated with triclabendazole in humid and warm climate in Mexico
Cruz CH, Quiroz RH, Guerrero MC, Ibarra VF, Ochoa GP
Language: English/Spanish
References: 31
Page: 273-279
PDF size: 74.81 Kb.
The aim of the present study was to determine the egg excretion and the optical density titre of F. hepatica through the ELISA test in cattle treated with triclabendazole every 56- and 112 days. Forty two animals divided into three groups of 14 animals each were used. Group A was treated every 56 days, Group B every 112 days, and Group C remained as the control one. Sedimentation egg count- and ELISA tests were used. In Group A, the frequency was reduced from 100% (day 0) to 0% (day 168), and average egg counts were reduced from 86.57 ± 10.5 (day 0) to 0 (day 168). In Group B, the frequency decreased from 100% (day 0) to 14.28% (day 168), and average egg counts were 82.85 ± 14 (day 0) to 0.85 ± 0.5 (day 168). In Group C, the prevalence was always of 100%, and average egg counts ranged from 68.14 to 78.85. Groups A and B showed statistical differences (P ‹ 0.05) on days 84, 112, 140 and 168, being always different to group C (P ‹ 0.01). Optical density titres were found under 0.679 nm. No statistical differences (P › 0.05) were found within the same group or among the three groups. The correlation between optical density titres and the egg excretion was low (0.26, 0.0022 and 0.011) for Groups A, B and C, respectively. It is concluded that the treatment with triclabendazole administered every 56 days significantly reduces (P ‹ 0.05) F. hepatica egg excretion in cattle when compared with that given every 112 days, and that the correlation between fecal egg-counts and optical densities was low.
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