2007, Number 2
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Gac Med Mex 2007; 143 (2)
Albert Schweitzer. El hombre como símbolo1
Urdaneta-Carruyo E
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 173-181
PDF size: 159.21 Kb.
Albert Schweitzer, the great missionary physician from the XXth century, had a versatile personality that integrated multiple talents, leading to the slightly frequent conjunction of the thinker with the man of action, and the humanist with the scientist and the artist. He studied all these disciplines in a brilliant manner: Philosophy, Theology, Music and Medicine; he was also a great scholar of Bach’s work, Jesus Christ and the civilization history.
In his maturity, this great man renounced to the fame and glory gained as intellectual and musician, to dedicate his life as a physician for the forgotten African natives. His deeply religious spirit allowed him to penetrate into the most recondite of the human soul; in his personality, he expressed in its entire dimension the eternally unsatisfied desire of the solitary man, against the immensity of the universe. His philosophy, based on the respect for life, was realized throughout the practice of the medical profession.
His noble character and personality was based on the man as symbol, since it was not so much what he did helping people but what people could do to others due to him. His singular example represented a moral force in the world, superior to millions of men armed for a war. In 1953, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his philanthropic work in Africa during more that fifty years, and for his deep love to the living beings. He was transformed in a perennial legend as the Lambaréné doctor.
Anderson E. The Schweitzer Album. New York: Harper & Row; 1965.
Picht W. Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Work. London: Allen & Unwin; 1964.
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Gunther J. Albert Schweitzer. Filósofo de la Selva. En: Selecciones del Reader‘s Digest. Grandes Vidas, Grandes Obras. Mexico: Reader‘s Digest Mexico, SA de CV; 1967. p. 218-223.
McKnight G. Verdict on Schweitzer: The Man behind the Legend of Lambaréné. New York: John Day; 1964.
Flores L. Albert Schweitzer. 2da ed. Barcelona: Ediciones Afha Internacional SA; 1975.
Schweitzer A. Memoirs of Childhood and Youth London: Allen &Unwin; 1924.
Joy CR. Music in the Life of Albert Schweitzer: Selections from His Writings. London: A & C. Black; 1953.
Seaver G. Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Mind. New York: Harper; 1947.
Mozley EN. The Theology of Albert Schweitzer for Christian Inquirers. New York: Macmillan; 1951.
Schweitzer A. J. S. Bach: Le Musicien-poète. Paris: Costallat; 1905.
Schweitzer A. Paul and His Interpreters: A Critical History. London: A,&C Black; 1912.
Schweitzer A. Die Mystik des Apostels Paulus. Tubingen: JCB Mohr; 1930.
Schweitzer A. Goethe: Five Studies. Boston: Beacon Press; 1961.
Montague, JF. The Why of Albert Schweitzer. New York: Hawthorn Books; 1965.
Schweitzer A. Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography. New York: Henry Holt; 1933.
Schweitzer A. The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede. London: A& C. Black; 1910.
Seaver G. Albert Schweitzer: Christian Revolutionary. London: A. & C. Black; 1944.
Schweitzer A. Das Christentum und die Weltreligionen. Bern: Paul Haupt; 1924.
Uslar-Pietri A. Albert Schweitzer. En: Uslar-Pietri A. Valores Humanos. Biografías y Evocaciones. Vol. IV, 4ta ed. Madrid: Editorial Mediterráneo; 1982. p. 181-186.
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Caguery-Vidrovitch C, Moniot H. África Negra. De 1800 a nuestros días. Barcelona: Editorial Labor, SA; 1976. p. 77.
Schweitzer A. Kulturphilosophie I: Verfall und Wiederaufbau der Kultur. Bern: Paul Haupt; 1923.
Schweitzer A. Kulturphilosophie II: Kultur und Ethik. Bern: Paul Haupt; 1923.
Schweitzer A. Entre el agua y la selva virgen. Buenos Aires: Librería Hachette; 1955. p.40.
Schweitzer A. On the Edge of the Primeval Forest. London: A& C. Black; 1922.
Einsten A. Citado en referencia 6. p. 127.
Schweitzer A. The Problem of Peace. In: Haberman FW, editor. Nobel Lectures. Peace (1951-1970) Vol 3. Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishing Co.; 1972. p. 46-57.
Jack HA, editor. To Dr. Albert Schweitzer: A Festschrift Commemorating His 80th His Birthday. Evanston (Illinois): Friends of Albert Schweitzer; 1955.
Schweitzer A. Peace or Atomic War? (Three appeals broadcast from Oslo on April 28, 29 and 30, 1958). London: A. & C. Black; 1958.
Cousin N. El Doctor Schweitzer de Lambaréné. Buenos Aires: Editorial de Ediciones Selectas, SRL; 1965.
Schweitzer A. From My African Notebook. London: Allen & Unwin; 1938.