2007, Number 2
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Rev Mex Ing Biomed 2007; 28 (2)
Segmentation and granulometric analysis of white and grey matter in MRI for the strabismus study using morphological transformations
Mendiola SJD, Gallegos DM, Ortiz RJJ, Enrique LC
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 92-104
PDF size: 300.62 Kb.
In this paper we present a method based on the application of morphological operators to carry out the segmentation on slices of brain magnetic resonance images (MRI). The processed slices belong to two control subjects (healthy) (CS) and one with dissociated strabismus (SS) (the three with 7 years old). Once separated the skull, we obtaining granulometric plots of white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) located in occipital lobe. Respect to the CS, we present a granulometric pattern for the WM as well as for the GM. Such patterns are used to be compared to the granulometric plots obtained from SS and thus being able to establish volumetric differences between the different detected structures.
On the other side, in order to get the granulometric plots, equations than provide similar results to a equations of granulometric density were applied; whereas the separation of the skull is doing by a morphological transformation that avoid the generation of new structures during the processing.
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