2006, Number 4
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Rev Neurol Neurocir Psiquiat 2006; 39 (4)
Etiopathogenic subtype diagnosis of the cerebral infarction
Rodríguez GPL, Rodríguez PL
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 138-147
PDF size: 72.84 Kb.
A great deal of the outstanding publications that classify the causative mechanisms of the cerebral infarction in categories are mainly inspired in the scheme and definitions of the Lausanne Stroke Registry and the TOAST (Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment). However these two classifications though classical show limitations due to the multiple options of mechanisms included in each category and to the risk factor influence as to its definition. To this purpose, the basic findings for a diagnosis and a reliable nomenclature of the main etiopathogenic subtypes of cerebral infarction are being revised in this work, such as: atherosclerosis, lacunar, cardioembolic, of unaccustomed origin, and of unspecified origin. Definitions are related in each category in accordance with the etiopathogeny and the diagnostic evaluation in clinical practice. Indication, application and meaning of the cerebral image study as well as other vascular, cardiac and blood analysis studies, in the cerebral infarct subtypes, are specially considered. Moreover, the practical evaluation of the diagnosis certainty degree and of the anatomopathogical evidence value is without any doubt encouraging. Suggesting modifications for the usual perspective to identify the etiopathogenic mechanism responsible for the ischemic episode in each patient is a priority, and also the carrying out of additional research to achieve a suitable clarification and unification of the main diagnostic criteria.
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