2007, Number 3
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Rev Mex Coloproctol 2007; 13 (3)
Ulcerative colitis, colorectal polyps and colostomy prolaps, in one case
González SME, Fuentes VE, Llanes DG, Salinas GJ, Domínguez ÁC, Hernández AMA
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 106-110
PDF size: 118.27 Kb.
The inflammatory disease is the most common illness regarding the colon. It’s Etiopathogenesis is applied by multifactorial causes, it’s chronic form courses with acute periods, including events of severity jeopardizing the patient’s life, (in the case of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease) and it can affect the colon and rectum partly or totally. Colorectal polyps have greater incidence in elder population, which can be neoplasic or not. The adenomatous polyps have a 20-30% prevalency before the age of 40, and increases to 40-50% after the age of 60. This polyps of the colon are of slow growth and surely exist long before their discovery. The association of both diseases (ulcerative colitis and colonic polyposis) is uncommon, it’s usually found either one or another in a single patient. To our surprise, the biopsy of the supposed pseudopolyps in the patient with colitis showed multiple adenomatous polyps segmentally located. It’s because this reason that we decided to present this particular case. Once more life shows that there are not illness, but ill patients.
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