2006, Number 4
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Rev Biomed 2006; 17 (4)
Maternal mortality and marginality in the State of Yucatan, Mexico
Rodríguez-Angulo EM, Ordóñez-Luna M
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 237-242
PDF size: 59.31 Kb.
Introduction. Maternal mortality is a multicausal problem of public health in the developing countries. The women who live in areas of high marginality are more susceptible to die from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. In Yucatan, the risk of dying by maternal cause in relation to municipal marginality is not known.
Objective. To assess the risks and characteristics of maternal deaths by level of marginality in Yucatan.
Material and methods. From 1997 to 2001 statistical information of maternal mortality from the INEGI and the Ministry of Health of the state was reviewed. Data was classified by municipality and level of marginality. In order to measure the risk of mortality by municipal marginality, we calculated maternal mortality ratios (MMR), the odds ratio (OR) and the etiologic fraction (EF).
Results. 101 maternal deaths were notified. The municipalities of Chemax and Tahdziú had MMR values of 1.6 and 1.3 per 1.000 live births, respectively; the OR value for the municipalities of very high marginality was of 5.82 (95% CI; 2.36-13.92) (p‹0.001), and the EP of 82%.
Conclusions. The probability of dying in the municipalities of very high marginalization is almost six times higher than those of low marginalization. Through communitarian interventions aimed at reducing maternal deaths more than 75% of the casualties in Yucatan could be avoided.
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