2006, Number 4
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Perinatol Reprod Hum 2006; 20 (4)
Psychological discomfort: some clinical manifestations in the hospitalized gineco-obstetric patient
Espíndola HJG, Morales-Carmona F, Gíaz FE, Pimentel D, Meza RP, Henales AC, Carreño J, Ibarra MA
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 112-122
PDF size: 123.27 Kb.
Gyneco-obstetric hospitalized patients usually present secondary emotional reactions to hospitalization, pregnancy and their illnesses. These reactions may or may not anchor to character structure, showing clinical data that not necessarily are to be considered as pathological manifestations. Within the range of reactions, it is possible to identify the psychological discomfort, which is erected as a diagnosis that is characterized by its reactivity, rapid evolution, egodistonia and good prognosis. In this sense it is an alteration of the emotional condition and not properly a psychopathology. In this work, the clinical manifestations and its habitual evolution are expounded with the intention to differentiate them from the simthomatology and diverse character and personality disorders as well as proper pregnancy manifestations. Although it is a coping process it should be evaluated and cared for by a mental health professional. Its evaluation requires diverse strategies and its attention, specific techniques that flavor conflict solution with reality and work as prophylactic of a secondary and psiquic conflict, and also in the attention of gyneco-obstetric and hospital complications.
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