2006, Number 4
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Arch Neurocien 2006; 11 (4)
Psamomatous postmortem meningioma of the cranial base
Alonso GJC
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 302-304
PDF size: 134.90 Kb.
The greater prevalence of this disease appears in the women, in the case is masculine meningioma is one of the most frequent tumors in the craneal cavity. It derives from the layers of the nervous system and its origin have is the cover of the aracnoides and his mesénquima. Meningiomas have a benign biological behavior, most of meningiomas appears in adult women, are rare in children. An obvious fact is that they unmask and they grow during the pregnancy, which indicates the presence of estrogenic receivers and progesterone. Its frequency fluctuates between 12 and 20 % of all neoplasias intracraneals in adults. In relation to intrarraquideal tumors, extramedularal, meningiomas originates 25 and 30 % of all the cases. Its age of incidence is between the 40 and 60 years, are generally asintomátic.
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