2007, Number 1
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pendiente 2007; 1 (1)
Endocervical curettage. Is it useful or not?
Carrillo MMC
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 27-30
PDF size: 51.05 Kb.
Colposcopy is the golden standard in the evaluation of cervical pathology. However we find endocervical curettage (ECC) as a diagnostic tool for studying cervical atypia even though its use is uncertain. Some authors stablish that it should be part of the protocol in abnormal cytology, anothers recommend it before a cervical diagnostic cone. In cytologies with atypical gland cells (AGC) or adenocarcima
in situ (AIS) ECC should be a routinary procedure, only pending to stablish when to perform it.
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