2006, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2006; 7 (3)
Somatologia, conductas alimentarias y consumo de alimentos en adolescentes del instituto secundario de la universidad nacional de salta (argentina)
Couceiro M, Zimmer M, Contreras N, Villagrán e, Silvia Vm
Language: Spanish
References: 27
PDF size: 1219.80 Kb.
It was carried out a morphologicall research among the 1998 cohort of the IEM (High School Institute, of the National University of Salta), in the north of the Argentina Republic, from 8° EGB up to 2° year polimodal, and also was described food intake in the mark of their alimentary behaviors.
Among 100 students that started their studies, 80 consented voluntarily to be part of the research, having the expressed authorization of their parents or tutors. Therefore the sample was conformed by 80% of them (50 females and 30 males). The anthropometrical measurements were: weigh and heigth, tricipital, subescapular, calf and suprailiacal skinfolds, femur and humerus diameters, leg and flexed middle upper arm circumferences. There were carried out three alimentary surveys in different years, two of them of frequency of food intake, the first one qualitative guided to the analysis of certain alimentary behaviors, and the second to be able to analyze the adaptation of food intake to the requirements, also with the investigation of the body image perception. The third survey method was a nutritional diary of three days. The analysis of the somatotype showed significant differences among sex in every year of study; the structure of adolescent¨s food intake is similar to the Argentina¨s structure. The distortion of body image perception is characteristic of females.
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