2006, Number 3
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2006; 7 (3)
Evaluación de la calidad microbiologica de helados caseros en Merida / Venezuela
Rosales Y, Cándida Díaz C
Language: Spanish
References: 51
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Diseases originated by ingestion of foods contaminated by infectious or toxigenic agents represent a health issue affecting all the countries worldwide. Research have reported ice creams as vehicle of pathogenic agents and they have been linked to epidemic buds of diseases transmitted by foods (ETA). In order to know the hygienic-sanitary quality from homemade vanilla's ice cream elaborated using milk, 40 samples coming from two sale places in the city of Mérida, Venezuela, were analyzed. By applying the reference methodology -in a quantitative way- mesophile aerobic bacteria (BAM), total choliforms (CT), fecal choliforms (CF),
Staphylococcus aureus (INC), Molds (MO) and Yeasts (HIM) were investigated. BAM were found in a range from 1,3x103 to 3,2x105 UFC/ml, with an average of 5,7x104; CT were among 23 and > 1100 NMP/ml, with an average value of 803; the CF were among < 3 and > 1100 NMP/ml, with 188 of average; INC were not detected in any sample; MO were found among < 1,0x10 and 1,3x104 UFC/ml with an average of 1,7x103; and HIM were among < 1,0x10 and 1,3x105 UFC/ml, with an average value of 5,0x104. Because the lack of microbiological criteria for homemade ice creams and taking into account the factors of risk for consumer health, the data obtained from each one of the trials were compared with the microbiological standards for manufactured ice creams in Venezuela, resulting in a high percentage of the samples not suitable for consumption. The value of the samples of total choliforms was higher to 93 NMP/ml to 92,5% of the sample, and 50% to fecal choliforms. Thereby, these products showed a very faulty sanitary hygienic quality stating a risk for consumer health due to the possibility of the presence of enteropathogens. Only 7,5% fulfilled the microbiological requirements for safe consumption.
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