2003, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2003; 48 (4)
About quality of clinical attention. The problem in patient doctor relation
Martínez SC, Leal FG
Language: Spanish
References: 65
Page: 242-254
PDF size: 111.61 Kb.
This article provides a meticulous analysis of the inherent complexity of the work of clinical physicians in order to contrast it with the difficult situation with which they are faced nowadays. The task is divided into five components, ranging from the initial contact between the doctor and patient to the former’s accompaniment of the latter throughout the therapeutic process. The paper seeks to analyze the complexity of each of these components in three aspects, the sociocultural, the communicative and the emotional. It studies the obstacles that the current context imposes on this complicated task, underlining the negative consequences that this entails for both doctors and patients. It ends by questioning the ability of the Quality Crusade undertaken during the current administration of the Health Secretariat to deal with the problem.
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