2007, Number 5
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2007; 50 (5)
Bases for treatment of serpent bites
Luna-Bauza ME
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 199-203
PDF size: 76.00 Kb.
World-wide there are from 30 to 40,000 deaths due to serpent bites. Occupying the first place India, Pakistan and Burma, in México 30,000 deaths are reported every year. In the Veracruz state, between 1994 and 95,627 cases were informed with 30 deaths. The serpent family responsible for almost all cases are
Vipiridae which venom contains 15 to 20 enzimes that cause changes in the permeability of erythrocyte membrane as well as in other cells. The most dangerous species are Bothrops and rattlesnake. Common symptoms are local pain, paresthesia gum bleeding, sleepness, nausea and intravascular disseminated coagulation. Treatment is based on the new fabotherapic substances, and depending on the seriousness of symptoms the dose goes from 3 to 25 intramuscular or intravenous applications. It is not necessary to apply tourniquet, nor make incision, suck the wound or give alcohol.
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