1993, Number 2
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Vet Mex 1993; 24 (2)
Serotypes of Pasteurella multocida and Pasteurella haemolytica isolated from ovine and caprine lungs
Blanco VFJ, Trigo TFJ, Jaramillo ML, Aguilar RF, Tapia PG, Suárez GF
Language: English/Spanish
References: 54
Page: 107-112
PDF size: 528.32 Kb.
The purpose of this study was to isolate and determine the capsular and somatit serotypes of
Pasteurella multocida and the serotypes of
Pasteurella haemolytica from ovine and caprine lungs with inflammatory lesions. A total of 232 lungs with inflammatory lesions were collected and these yielded 117 isolates of
Pasteurella sp. Forty two strains were identified as
P. haemolytica and 75 as
P. multocida. All
P. haemolytica isolates were biotype A. The serotypes, which were determined by indirect hemagglutination, were as follows: In sheep there were 28 strains with 39% serotype A8, 32% with A2, 11% with Al, 7% with A6, 4% with A5 and 7% untyped. There were 2 strains in goats, A5 and A8. There were 60% biotype Aand 27% biotype D in the
P. multocida isolates, according with the acriflavine and hyaluronidase techniques. Somatic serotypes were determined by gel immunodifhsion and represented 72% in sheep for serotype 3; 9%, for serotype 15; 4%, for serotype 7; 296, for serotypes 4, 10, 12 and 14; and 7%, untyped. There were 3 isolates in the goats, and one belonged to serotype 3, another to serotype 15 and the other one wasuntyped. These resultswere comparedand discussed with other studies described elsewhere.
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