2007, Number 3
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Cir Cir 2007; 75 (3)
Cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness study: Anahuac telemedicine
Bernal-Sánchez G, Torre-Rodríguez J, Robles-Bonilla C, Campos-Romero A, Otero-Meza C
Language: Spanish
References: 99
Page: 227-235
PDF size: 94.90 Kb.
Background: We undertook this study to make an accurate cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness assessment of the “Telemedicina Anáhuac” project, which provides virtual satellite medical care via fixed teleconsultations and movable units in rural/marginal areas.
Methods: The basis of the study was a bibliographical analysis of health areas.
Results: When making a monetary analysis and observing fair profits, accessibility and increase in coverage in these populations, it is easier to determine whether or not the project is viable and whether or not it accomplishes cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness conditions. It has not been possible to accurately evaluate epidemiological situations or their changes and impact on health because of the short duration of the project in each community. The most valuable benefit of “Telemedicina Anáhuac” is the appropriate medical referral of surgical patients.
Conclusions: From the results obtained, we are aware that this project offers to our country a great opportunity to resolve health problems in marginalized areas. It offers several benefits to the population, to the Health Ministry, to the personnel and to the social service medical students who operate it. In the surgical area, better diagnoses are obtained, and the project helps to decongest the second level of medical care in Mexico.
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