2007, Number 1
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2007; 15 (1)
Human responses in children suffering from congenital cardiopathy.
Association among human responses, factors related to them, and collaboration problems in children with congenital cardiopathy
Martins da SV, Oliveira LMV, Leite de AT
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 6-13
PDF size: 120.87 Kb.
Introduction: The nursing process is the ideal method for identification problems of children with congenital heart disease, establishment of goals and care plan for resolution of the established problems, implementation and evaluation of effectiveness plan.
Objective: To verify the association existence among nursing diagnoses, related factors and collaborative problems in children with congenital heart diseases.
Methodology: The data was collected by mean clinical exam and consultation to record. For association analysis were selected the nursing diagnoses with frequency greater than 50%, related factors with frequency above of percentile 75 and the four more frequent collaborative problems.
Results: It was identified 19 statistical associations of the nursing diagnoses to each other, 53 associations among nursing diagnoses and the related factors and 17 associations among diagnoses and the collaborative problems.
Discussion: The physiopathology of base disease provokes alterations that contribute for the establishment of human responses related to sanguine hyper flow, decrease cardiac output, sanguine stasis and pulmonary edema.
Conclusions: The nursing diagnoses present multiple associations to each other and with several related factors and collaborative problems.
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