2025, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2025; 15 (1)
Maladaptive eating styles and risky eating behaviors in Chile
Hun N, Castillo V, González S, Caroca J, Martínez-Rodríguez T, Mora A, Bernal-Gómez S
Language: Spanish
References: 49
Page: 63-76
PDF size: 239.36 Kb.
Maladaptive eating styles are patterns of eating-related behavior that are detrimental to overall health.
Risky eating behaviors are specific components of eating styles. The objective, to analyze maladaptive
eating styles and risky eating behaviors associated with sociodemographic characteristics in adults
living in northern Chile. A total of 802 women (60.1%) and men (38.9%) from northern Chile participated.
The Dutch eating behavior questionnaire and the E-TONA structured interview were used. Mean
difference, Pearson’s chi-square and odds ratios tests were performed. Women presented higher levels
in all the maladaptive eating styles evaluated, although significant differences were only evidenced in
emotional eating. Additionally, with respect to risky eating behaviors, there is parity in the presence
between men and women, although the behaviors performed by men are linked to overeating while in
women to the management of negative emotions. The influence of sociodemographic characteristics
and the eating environment needs to be further explored.
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