2025, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2025; 15 (1)
Discriminant analysis of factors related to muscle dysmorphia among university athletes
Rucobo GLR, López OMM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 44-51
PDF size: 220.60 Kb.
Vigorexia or muscle dysmorphia is considered one of the common body image eating disorders among
young people. Muscle dysmorphia has multiple etiological factors, among which biological, psychological
and sociocultural ones stand out. The objective in this investigation was to analyze the relation
of muscle dysmorphia disorder with sociodemographic, training and self-esteem variables in athletes
using discriminant analysis. 178 university athletes participated in the study. The muscle dysmorphia
level was determined with the Adonis Complex Questionnaire (ACC). The level of self-esteem was
determined with the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (EAR). Multivariate analysis was performed using
correlation and discriminant analysis. The results showed that 47.7% of athletes presented muscle dysmorphia.
In the discriminant analysis, 92.7% of the grouped cases validated through cross-validation
were correctly classified, which considers sex, self-esteem, and practice of competitive art sports as main factors. The study shows that sex, type of sport, low self-esteem, time dedicated to training and time on social networks are elements related to muscle dysmorphia in athletes, so they should be considered for the creation of preventive measures.
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