2025, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2025; 15 (1)
Eating behavior and knowledge of food labeling: Difference between women and men
García-García JA, Hernández-Ángel JF, Charles-Meza ÁG
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 32-43
PDF size: 231.61 Kb.
Obesity is a worldwide public health problem, and this disease is related to eating behavior and unhealthy
eating habits of individuals. Concrete actions have been implemented in Mexico, such as the
modification of food labeling regulations, which established a new front-of-package labeling system.
The objective of this study is to identify differences in the dimensions of eating behavior and knowledge
of food labeling between women and men working in the food industry in the State of Coahuila,
Mexico. A quantitative, cross-sectional study with a descriptive, correlational, and comparative scope
was conducted, using convenience sampling. An Eating Behavior Scale and Food Labeling Knowledge
survey were applied to workers in the food industry, with 58.6% men and 41.4% women aged 18 to 60
years. The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences between men and women
in eating behavior, specifically in food preparation, with higher scores in favor of men. Regarding the
preference for food intake, it was observed that men have a greater preference than women for dairy
and packaged foods, as well as for the habitual consumption of snacks during the main meal of the
day. Regarding knowledge of food labeling, it was observed that there are significant differences in the
knowledge of seals, with scores in favor of women. In conclusion, workers have a basic knowledge of
food labeling and have a positive eating behavior, however, the existence of unhealthy habits related to
the preference for a food can put their health at risk.
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