2025, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2025; 15 (1)
Risk of eating disorders and overcontrol in psychology students from a public university institution in the State of Mexico
Vilchis GHJ, Guadarrama GR, Bautista RML, Veyta LM, Robles EE
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 24-31
PDF size: 192.12 Kb.
In contemporary society, the predominant ideal of beauty is thinness, which is related to unreal social
advantages; obsession with thinness, bulimia nervosa, body dissatisfaction, asceticism and perfectionism
are intertwined in a complex network of factors that significantly increase the risk of eating
disorders (ED) and the emergence of overcontrol (OCD). The aim of the present study was to describe
RTCA and CD where 375 psychology students participated with the application of the Eating Disorder
Inventory (EDI-3) instrument, statistically significant differences were found in thinness obsession
between men and women for both age groups, with women presenting higher scores; in addition to
differences in RTCA between sex groups in ages 19 years and older. Men showed concern for their
weight and physical appearance, carrying out control behaviors and habits to avoid weight gain, and
with respect to women there were age differences in all variables except perfectionism. Males ≤ 18
years showed higher prevalence of RTCA, OD, and perfectionism, whereas in those
≥ 19 years, BN and
asceticism prevailed. In females
≥ 19 years, all variables were higher except asceticism. Males ≤ 18 years
presented higher risk of RTCA, compared with females in the same age group. Females ≥ 19 years had
higher RTCA, standing out in OD and IC.
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