2022, Number 3
Diabetes mellitus and visual health as essential references in medical practice
Hormigo PI, Arocha MC, Ruiz MM, Hormigó TK
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 401.43 Kb.
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus requires multifactorial and multisectoral medical attention. Diabetic ophthalmopathy demands integrated health systems that facilitate the prevention, detection and treatment of complications at the primary, secondary and tertiary care levels.Objective: To show the theoretical and practical concepts and current trends on diabetes mellitus and visual health.
Methods: A bibliographic and documentary review on diabetes mellitus and visual health was carried out. Studies and documents published by local and international institutions, articles, topics related to diabetes mellitus and visual health were retrieved from different sources, indexed journals, meta-analysis and unpublished primary sources, research degree and master's, theses.
Results: To preserve visual health, it is necessary to carry out reading that lead to preventing vision loss due to cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy and diabetic macular edema, which include not only good control of metabolic parameters and regular check-ups with the ophthalmologist , but also compliance with diabetes education by a multidisciplinary team and updating the health providers on this subject. The visual decrease caused by cataract and other eye diseases can lead to disabilities such as loss of autonomy to manage medications, limit activities of daily life and work and social incapacity, with the consequent impact on quality of life.
Conclusions: Frequently going to the ophthalmologist, maintaining glycemic, cholesterol and blood pressure control represent the fundamental pillar to preserve visual health in diabetic patients.