2022, Number 3
Student participation facing COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 1-9
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Introduction: The period of confrontation with the pandemic has had the wide support of the students of the medical sciences of Cienfuegos, in the assistance units of the territory supports this criterion.Objective: To characterize the work carried out by medical science students in the provincial hospital during the period between the months of July and August 2021.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out. The universe was made up of 86 students. The variables used were age, sex, academic year, career, assistantship profile, assistance service, working time and month worked. It used the descriptive statistic.
Results: 69 students completed their tasks during one month (80.23%). The month of August was representative with 45 students (52.32%). The age of 21 years (34 students; 39.53%) and the female sex (64 students; 74.41%) prevailed. The medical course stood out with 76 students (88.37%) and the second year (32 students; 37.21%). The clinical profile was represented by 45 students (52.32%). The intensive and emergency medicine service had the participation of 38 students (44.18%).
Conclusions: student support was characterized by a gradual rise in the months analyzed; at the expense of specialties that provide direct care to the COVID-19 positive patient. Where students belonging to the basic cycle assume tasks of high commitment.
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