2024, Number 4
Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
No one and nothing reflects reality as it is. will it be illusion?
Bernal JJY
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 1775-1782
PDF size: 313.90 Kb.
This book is a hybrid of science and fiction. The author takes care to relate his experiences with schizophrenic people without neglecting his knowledge as a sociocultural psychologist practicing clinical psychology as an active participant in ethnographic perspective. He recounts slivers of lived history of mentally ill people from Seville, Spain who use a foster home as a center and he as a caregiver immersed in that environment. From that work he first derived his doctoral thesis, an ad hoc report aimed at a specialized audience. This book that I am now reviewing is another way of looking at his experience in the light of his subjectivity without losing objectivity. Moreover, I have dared to affirm that Dr. Saavedra-Macías invites us to fall in love with our work by highlighting two aspects of his way of understanding: the reflectivetheoretical and the practical. The reader will be able to verify that his stories open the possibility of understanding these people at their bodily-emotional vertex. Dr. Saavedra Macías shares the schizophrenia of his participants, and simultaneously the participants are invited to lucidity in communication with those who had the respect, sensitivity, and thoughtful understanding for the patients, by being their companion.REFERENCES