2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Main criticism and consequences of bipolitization in the field of mental health, the psychoanalytic and neuropsychoanalytic clinic
Rosas JAJ
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1758-1774
PDF size: 383.51 Kb.
In this paper, a critical analysis of the proposal formulated in terms
arising from social theory is developed, specifically from the perspective
of biopolitics. to disciplines in charge of mental health, namely
psychiatry, psychology in general, psychoanalysis and
neuropsychoanalysis in particular. In the first instance, it is established
what is meant by biopolitics, secondly, some of the consequences that
this vision has in the field of politics, health and therapeutic clinics, as
well as the concept of health and cure, are mentioned. Finally, we allude
to the repercussions of the paradigmatic change proposed by
neuropsychoanalysis in the clinical setting.
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