2024, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (4)
Classroom management and quality of higher education
Herrera SF
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1653-1676
PDF size: 423.13 Kb.
The current context of higher education calls us to revalue both, inperson
education and virtual education (online and distance), based on
two axes of interpellation: the accumulated post-pandemic educational
experience, and the emergence of educational innovations that
mobilize artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality and extended
virtual reality, among others. Promoters of virtual education usually
make face-to-face education equivalent to traditional education, but the
inevitable resort to virtual teaching during the pandemic revealed its
limitations in the structuring of practical-instrumental and
methodological-procedural skills, a situation that led to a renewed
appreciation of face-to-face education. But, far from stigmatizing one or
the other, the analysis must weigh those aspects that both types of
education go through to guarantee its quality and effectiveness, one of
them is classroom management. This work would inventory ten
functional dimensions involved, among them: time management; the
attitudinal positioning of the student; the socio-affective profile and
regulation of emotionality; type of audience and forms of argumentation;
the promotion of “good practices”; dialogic disposition and decision
making; teaching role, management of teaching resources and
evaluation. It is concluded that the classroom space must be
conceptualized for its efficient management, more than as a simple
physical (or virtual) space, as a true field or domain in which the
educational act is located.
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